Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just Around the Corner

It's pouring down rain as I write.  But yesterday was a beautiful day in Paris Landing.  The temperature was in the high 50's, the sun was out and there was no wind.  I think the wind blew itself out the night before.  Days like yesterday are one of the things I like so much about living here.  They're kind of like little spring vacations.  We'll have a week of cold, wet, windy weather, then a day like yesterday that makes you want to get out and play.

So play I did.  And while I was out playing I discovered these -

The daffodils are starting to bud!!!  I really get excited when I see these.  I know Winter isn't over, but can Spring be far behind?

And if you look close ....

The Bradford Pear's fuzzy little velvet buds are starting to turn green.  It won't be long til they bloom.  We have a lot of these around Paris Landing and they put on quite a show.

So ... hang in there.  Spring is just around the corner.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I've been distracted  a little lately.  

She's pretty much taken over the living room couch where no one else sits
and her favorite toy has turned out to be a ball of red yarn

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Love Is All You Need

Square prints and canvases are in.  Typography is in.  And Love is always in!

Available on canvas, or ...

As a print ready for you to frame, or ...

Framed, matted and ready to hang.

Sizes from 8" x 8" to 60" x 60"  (That's really big!)

Available in three different color schemes.  Choose your color scheme first, then your format.

My personal favorite??

Valentine's Day is just around the corner.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Family Member

For a year or so now Eric and I have talked about getting a small dog to add some excitement to our lives and to keep Murphy entertained.    Right after Christmas, opportunity struck - so - now we've added a new member to our new family.

Meet Maggie.  She's only about 3 months old, a Boston Terrier.  My nephew and his wife raise these sweet little dogs in Ripley, Tennessee.    So far, Maggie has been a real bundle of joy.

It doesn't take much to keep her occupied.

As for Murphy ....

He's still here and just as ornery as ever. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What a photo can say.

Sometimes you don't need fancy cameras or software to get just the right photo.  Sometimes its just luck and sometimes it's the subject. My sister Anne snapped this photo of my great niece, Elle a few weeks ago.  And I mean, she just pointed the camera and snapped the photo.  But ... it's a fabulous photo and it says it all.

Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 12, 2011

New Jewelry

These pretty green leaves are hand painted by me on heavy watercolor paper and sealed to make them water-resistant.  Surprisingly light weight but sturdy.

Necklace and matching earrings made from vintage buttons from Grandma's button jar.

This pendant looks like marble - but it's not.  Visit my jewelry store and get the details. 

Classic black and brass made from vintage buttons.

If you haven't visited my little store on Etsy, you should really take a peek. Here's the link: Here are a few of my new pieces of jewelry.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

UT Fans

I'm always amazed at how people choose to show they are UT fans.  We see their logos all over Paris Landing.

But, I think this one - which is embedded in concrete -  might win the prize!