Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sunset On The Lake

We can never have too many photos of Kentucky Lake - especially when they are as beautiful as this.

A great photo by Kathi Stofel.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Since my last post … first of all it takes me a few days to get over an art show. I have to put everything back where it was, or at least place it with a vendor. It has to be for sale somewhere. Just having artwork and jewelry sitting around my house doesn’t do me a bit of good. But before I can put it back on display I have to clean everything. You’d be surprised how much dust you collect in an outdoor show and how many finger prints you get when food is for sale and you have lots of kids who want to touch everything. I’m not complaining - it’s just a fact of life.

So - got the prints and print rack all cleaned up and took in back to Homestead Gardens & Gifts. Took some photos while I was there … and haven’t posted them yet, but I will.  Maybe in November.

Talked with Treva Tayloe over at Paris On The Square. She agreed to carry my jewelry and letter art.
Click here for more information.

And then of course, in the middle of all this I was trying to get the maps published for the Paris Landing Area - which I accomplished, but then I had to hand them all out to my wonderful advertisers which you can see here on my blog about Paris Landing.  And of course, I have also been taking photos for the Paris Landing blog … which … I need to post.  Maybe in November.

I also dog sat for 3 weeks for  my sister, Anne, who took a wonderful trip to Ireland. Murphy tried hard to ignore a sweet little dog name Lady. (Earlier this summer I dog sat for my little brother Art. Maybe I’ve found a new career in dog sitting.) Anne has photos, lots of photos of Ireland which I want to see and play with. Maybe in November.

Then on one of several trips over to the Fishtale Lodge, my looney friend Sharon tried to convince me to create jewelry for your boots.
Sharon multi-tasking - modeling, answering the phone, making reservations.
I think the boot jewelry is wonderful idea.  Maybe in November.

While I was there I woke up Jewels just to catch a quick snap shot.

Murphy wasn't as cooperative.  He said he's just not quick anymore.

Did I mention I also hooked up with this California Girl?

Her name is Alysia Sofias and she is here because Google sent her here to write a book about Paris.  Yeh - that's right, Paris Tennessee.  You can read about her on the Simon & Schuster website.   The above photo was taken at the Paris Winery.  I also gave her a tour of downtown Paris and lots of other places.

Don't you just love the new signs they have in downtown Paris?  And of course, on this grand tour I took more photos that I might get posted by November.

More to come .....

Boat or Flower Bed?

You have to look close to tell this flower bed is actually a boat - maybe a canoe.  I've driven by this property on Lakehill Beach Estates many times through the year.  In the Spring it has beautiful tulips.  I love this idea for a very original raised bed.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wonder Woman Spotted At Paris Landing

Is Elise Bridgewater Wonder Woman or “a modern day miracle” as her daughter, Sharon Seaton of the Fishtale Lodge  proclaims? You decide. 

If you know Sharon, you know how “unique” she is. But you might not know that her Mom, Elise, has Alzheimer’s. And in her usual, unique way of tackling life, Sharon has taken an unusual, very Sharon-like approach to dealing with Alzheimer‘s. She started a blog. A blog titled “Detours From Sanity.”  You can read about the story that started it all here.

Sharon said, “I decided to look at this disease as my Mom always looked at everything in life …with a song in my heart and a smile on my face.” “Smile” seems to be a key word in Sharon’s stories about her life with Elise.

If I ever get Alzheimer’s, I want to be Sharon’s Mom. You will feel the same if you visit her blog at http://detoursfromsanity.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Mail Boxes In The Fall

Even though the temperature today is supposed to be in the 80's ... Fall is in the air at Paris Landing.  Foliage is starting to turn colors and fall, the mums are starting to bloom and the nights are cool and crisp.  In a short while the color scheme around the lake will change from shades of green to brilliant oranges, yellows and reds.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Life At The Lake

This photo says it all ...

Photo by Kathi Stofel

Pretty weather, a neat red hammock and a beautiful lake view.